Sunday, February 03, 2008

Pick The Bill

One of of the Bills above can honestly say that he played a significant role in creating the late 90's economic boom that added thousands of new jobs, new industries and unanticpated revenues to the federal treasury.


nanc said...

and also was instrumental in bringing a "madrassa" to nyc...

should we call him a "culture warrior"?

IOpian said...

I figure in 300 years no one will have a clue who Bill Clinton was... But Gates will be remembered in the likes of Gutenburg, Ford, Edison. Unlike Clinton Gates will have mattered.

Madrassas. What are going to do. I mean there is a Hamas branch office in North OKC !! What needs to happen is for Christians to start suing muslims for offending us. Two can play that game.

nanc said...

have you seen this?

while i'm not condoning such behavior - i'm also quite sure we'll be seeing more and more of this type of activity as our western civ is threatened.